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Calf care training coming to FVTC-Chilton center

Posted at 8:45 on September 5, 2017

The Brillion News

CHILTON – The Professional Dairy Producers of Wisconsin (PDPW)  is holding a calf care training program on Tuesday, October 10, from 9:30 a.m. to 3: 45 p.m., in Chilton at the Fox Valley Technical College center, 1200 E. Chestnut Street.

The workshop is designed to challenge the most seasoned calf care managers, calf feeders and other team members that work alongside young stock and newborn calves.

Attend to get exposure to the most dynamic experts in the calf-care field:

  1. Dr. Theresa Ollivett, University of Wisconsin-Madison, will focus on respiratory ailments and her new research on ultrasound technology and developments of calf lungs.

  2. Dr. Noah Litherland, formerly with University of Minnesota and now with Vita Plus, will address calf nutrition and optimal growth techniques and methods to avoid the post-weaning lull. He’ll also address when and how to introduce forages.

  3. Finona Maunsell, University of Florida, will discuss what’s new in vaccinations, how to best assist in developing the immune system of a growing calf, and diagnosing and controlling mycoplasma.

Participants should leave with improved, practical standard operating procedures, and protocols to better manage the health of young stock and improve the growth and long-term-performance value in a dairy herd.

Additional information will be posted on the PDPW web site at


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