The Brillion News
GREEN BAY – The Catholic Diocese of Green Bay announced on Thuresday, July 2, that Catholic schools will open this fall for in-person classes.
“We are pleased to announce that we will be ‘open for business’ in grades PK3-12 for the 2020-2021 school year,” said Superintendent of Catholic Schools, Todd Blahnik. “Our planning has been ongoing since the pandemic hit. Our schools have been developing a strategy to address student and faculty health and safety based on recommendations from the CDC, Department of Public Instruction, Wisconsin Department of Health and Human Services and County Health Departments. Our schools will be sharing plans with their community in greater detail as the summer unfolds.”

Under orders from the State of Wisconsin and Department of Public Instruction, students and faculty left their schools and moved to virtual education in late March, as the coronavirus began to be felt in the state of Wisconsin.
While this event changed the delivery of education in the final months of the school year, Catholic school students and staff were able to pivot quickly and resume lessons in a virtual environment.
“I cannot tell you how impressed and proud I am of how quickly our students, teachers and parents were able to switch gears and embrace this new learning situation,” said Bishop David L. Ricken (pictured above). “This is a testament to the exceptional learning experience we provide in Catholic schools throughout the diocese. I am fully behind our leadership in their recommendation to begin in-person class when school opens this fall.”
For additional information, people may contact a local Catholic school directly, or contact Lori Paul, Advancement Director for Catholic Schools,lpaul@gbdioc.orgor 920-272-8163.