Posted at 12:10 p.m. on March 22, 2019
The Brillion News
HILBERT – Three standing committees of the Hilbert Village Board will meet Monday evening, March 25, with some significant items on their agendae.
The Park and Recreation Committee meets at 6 p.m. to look at the school district’s use of Civic Park baseball fields, and consider a ballfield maintenance agreement with the Hilbert Athletic Association.
At 6:30 p.m., the Health Board meets in closed session to consider reinstatement of Michael Loose as chief of the Hilbert Fire Department. The chief took a leave of absence when his employer sent him to Florida for several months – and he has now returned. The board will return to open session to act on Loose’s reinstatement. Dave Franz has served as acting Fire Chief during Loose’s absence.
At 7 p.m., the Plan Commission will open the envelope to see the list of names suggested for the village’s new subdivision. The naming contest was open to Hilbert High School students – to suggest names for the subdivision and for the initial streets to be plotted and constructed this year. The subdivision’s north side borders on the Hilbert Schools campus and abuts the stadium property.