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Lower Fox, Bayshore conservation subject of roundtable

Posted at 4:40 p.m. on April 17, 2019

The Brillion News

GREEN BAY – The University of Wisconsin-Green Bay will host a program on Wednesday, April 24, focusing on problems and progress in land and water conservation in the Fox River watershed and the Green Bay.

The Green Bay Conservation Partners will host their annual Spring Roundtable to explore environmental and conservation challenges and opportunities in the bay of Green Bay, Lower Fox River watershed, Green Bay’s West Shore and the Door Peninsula.

The program will be held at the Weidner Center on the UWGB campus and runs from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

The morning will kick-off with a series of 5-minute lightning talks from partners involved in restoration, monitoring and other conservation projects around the region. An interactive roundtable session will follow with discussions on relevant conservation tools and topics.

Highlights include:

  1. Designing a Pay for Performance Soil Phosphorus Program: UW-Green Bay scientists and Brown and Outagamie county staff will lead a discussion on how to uber incentivize the reduction of phosphorus coming off farm fields. They will be looking for ideas on how to develop the incentives and monitoring programs needed to make measurable changes in cropland legacy phosphorus.

  2. Local Forest Health Issues and Resources: Over the past few years, forest insects and diseases such as emerald ash borer and beech bark disease have become more common in local counties. Bill McNee, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Plant Pest & Disease Specialist, will provide an update on forest health issues in the area and share resources landowners and forest managers can use to maintain a healthy forest.

  3. Monarch Conservation: A Call to Action: Over the last 20 years, the eastern population of monarch butterflies has declined by 90% for a variety of reasons. Reena Bowman, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Partners for Fish and Wildlife, will share tools and resources to bolster monarch populations in urban, agricultural, rights-of-way, and protected lands. Participants will discuss how they can contribute towards monarch conservation in northeast Wisconsin.

There is a $20 registration fee to help cover event costs. Coffee, tea, snacks and lunch will be provided. Student fee is $10.

Space is limited, with registration by April 19.

If you have questions about this event, including about reservation, contact Amy Carrozzino-Lyon, UWGB,, 920-465-5029

For more information and a schedule of events, please go to


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