The Brillion News
TOWN OF MORRISON - Two large dairy farms near the community of Wayside are planning to build their own manure digester, and power it using electricity produced by a seven-acre field of solar panels.
The plan gets a public hearing tonight (Tuesday, October 13) at 7:30 p.m. at the Morrison Town Hall, across the road from Way-Morr County Park, at the intersection of Brown County Highways G and Z.
The solar field would be located at the corner of County Z (Hill Road) and Stone Road.
The project is a joint effort of the Collins Dairy and the Wayside Dairy, two large confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs).
Following the public hearing, the Morrison Town Board will hold its regular October meeting, with possible action on a conditional use permit for the manure digester on its agenda.
The board is also expected to act on a resolution that would allow the town to partner with Bug Tussel Wireless in seeking a state grant to improve internet access in the township.