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School safety question gets $100 million answer

Posted at 10:30 a.m. on March 26, 2018

The Brillion News

Governor Scott Walker on Monday morning signed Assembly Bill 843 into law, putting a bipartisan school safety plan into place. The signing took place at Haen Elementary School in Kaukauna, where the photo accompanying this story was snapped.

The bill creates an Office of School Safety within the state Department of justice. It will be in charge of distributing $100 million in grants to schools statewide for security upgrades to buildings, improved school safety practices and trauma-informed care and related training.

In addition, the new law requires mandatory reporting of any school violence threats by medical professionals, mental health professions, teachers and counselors.

The law also requires better school safety plans in consultation with local police.


The March 29 print edition of THE BRILLION NEWS also includes a story about a group of Wrightstown High School students who are doing more than just protesting school violence. They are active in making sure that something is done to make school shootings less likely to happen.


In his commentary this week, Ed Byrne looks at where the system designed to prevent mass shootings broke down at two schools and a church – and two state assemblymen look at what to do about it.

All in this week’s print edition of The Brillion News, on newsstands this Thursday, March 29.



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