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Small businesses need you

Posted at high noon on Tuesday, November 24, 2020

The Brillion News

MADISON - Small Business Saturday falls on November 28 this year, during one of the most difficult years ever for many locally owned businesses across Wisconsin.

That’s especially true for restaurants and retail shops.

The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) is encouraging people to support small businesses in a variety of ways on Small Business Saturday and beyond.

“While we should be supporting small business owners every day of the year, this year’s Small Business Saturday is a wonderful opportunity to support the small business owners here in Wisconsin hit the hardest from the pandemic,” said NFIB State Director in Wisconsin, Bill G. Smith. “According to a recent NFIB survey, the retail and services industry continue to struggle the most, as they rely heavily on person-to-person interactions. Now, more than ever, it is important for Wisconsin communities to support their local small business owners, who have been supporting them by providing jobs and giving back to their communities. Let’s help our small business owners here in Wisconsin survive this stressful holiday season.”

NFIB has conducted a series of surveys on the impact COVID-19 has had on small businesses. The latest survey highlighted that 75 percent of small businesses would apply or consider applying for a second round of Paycheck Protection Program funding, showing that small businesses are still balancing the everyday needs of their business and the COVID-19 pandemic.

Many small businesses offer their products online as well as for home delivery or curbside pickup.

A small business owner is much more likely to be available by phone if customers have questions.

The NFIB said that showing support for local businesses on Small Business Saturday and throughout 2021 will help business owners get past the recent economic downturn. That will help keep communities vibrant and prevent the loss of a local economy.


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