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Suspension, charges follow WHS weekend vandalism

May 11, 2017

By Ed Byrne The Brillion News

WRIGHTSTOWN – Several members of the Wrightstown High School senior class will be barred from participating in graduation ceremonies after a weekend incident of criminal damage that included a forced entry into the high school late Sunday evening or early Monday morning.

Superintendent of Schools Carla Buboltz said students toilet-papered the campus extensively, wrote on the exterior brick walls using chalk and stuck sanitary napkins to the windows.

“Then we did have six kids who broke into the high school, and did some vandalism inside the high school as well,” Buboltz said.

The school’s role in disciplining was made easier because some of the students’ actions were illegal and were turned over to the criminal justice system for prosecution.

“We worked in partnership with Brown County and the Wrightstown [Police Department] and so we have a large group of students who will be cited for disorderly conduct,” she said.

Others will be cited for unlawful entry into the building, and criminal destruction of property.

Please see the complete story in the May 11, 2017 edition of The Brillion News. 



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