Posted at 4 p.m. on May 7, 2019
The Brillion News
WRIGHTSTOWN – The Wrightstown Area Baseball Association (WABA) is asking people to pray for a second grader who is fighting for his life at Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin.
Brayden Auten’s liver went into failure on April 26, and now he is waiting for a liver transplant. He had been active in Wrightstown Youth Wrestling and was in his first year of youth baseball when his health deteriorated.
His parents have had to take leaves from work to be with Brayden.
Matt Buenning, president of the WABA, said youth baseball will be “Going to Bat for Brayden” on opening day for youth baseball season this Saturday, May 11.
“We will have a collection box at the Corner Diamond (corner of School and Fair Streets in Wrightstown) for those who would like to provide some tangible support to Brayden and the Auten family,” Buenning told The Brillion News.
The club is welcoming gifts of cash, groceries and gas cards for the family. Baseball cards, Legos, videos or toys for Brayden will also be welcomed – along with personal notes or cards with words of encouragement. Gifts and messages may be dropped off at the Corner Diamond concession stand this Saturday.
A GO FUND ME page has been created to help care for the family’s financial needs. It is located at
Wrightstown head wrestling coach Matt Verbeten said the wrestling club is buying gas cards for the family and wrestlers are volunteering to mow the lawn and do yard work for the Auten family.