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Evers pardons nine after board review

The Brillion News

MADISON - Wiscosnin Governor Tony Evers issued pardons to eight men and one woman after reviewing their cases. All nine were recommended for pardons by the Governor's Pardon Advisory Board.

Only one is from our area. Corey Tielens, of Green Bay, committed a hit-and-run traffic crash at age 20. He is now 39.

The others given pardons:

  • A 49-year old Brodhead man who stole a snowmobile at age 18.

  • A 64-year old Watertown man who stole a car at age 17.

  • A 38-year old La Crosse man who went joyriding in his friend's mother's car after drinking when he was 16.

  • A woman, age not disclosed, who drove the getaway car for her burglar-husband when she was in her 20s and a drug addict.

  • A 49-year old man, who stole alcohol at age 17.

  • A 30-year old Milwaukee man who stole from two employers when he was in his 20s.

  • A 66-year old Minnesota man convicted of robbery when he was 18.

  • A 56-year old West Salem man who sold marijuana to an undercover officer when he was 22.

A pardon restores some rights losy by conviction of a felony crfime - including the right to serve on a jury, hold public office, and hold certain professional licenses. It does not mean expungement. People on a sex offender registry are not eligible for pardon.


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