Posted at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, April 7, 2021
The Brillion News
REEDSVILLE - A capital projects referendum proposal for $11.5 million for Reedsville public schools was soundly rejected by voters in the school district on Tuesday.
No votes tallied 845, yes votes were 465.

In addition, voters elected two new board members who opposed the referendum. They were write-in candidates John Schwahn and Chuck Yohanek.
In Wrightstown, voters re-elected incumbent village board members Andy Lundt and Sue Byers, and returned former trustee Mark Leonard Fitch to office.
In Hilbert, incumbent trustee Tom Roehrig, newcomer Anita Loose and incumbent Tim Keuler were elected. Keuler had originally not filed for re-election, but changed his mind and ran a write-in campaign,
Complete election results will appear in the April 15 print edition of THE BRILLION NEWS.