The Brillion News
GREEN BAY - University students are apparentl taking advantage of social distancing and stay-at-home opportunities to continuing their path toward a college degree, if summer enrollment number at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay are an indication.
UWGB is reporting strong summer enrollment with all 200-plus courses held via online and alternative delivery.
To date, more than 2,589 different students - an increase of 532 students from last summer— - have registered for a summer course, and students can continue to register.
Summer courses are offered in four-, six- and 10-week sessions across most of the university’s undergraduate programs and select graduate programs. The number of freshmen (any student under 30 total credits) taking a summer course nearly doubled from 67 a year ago to 128 at present.
Students can continue to register for classes at
New sessions begin on June 15 and July 13. August 9 is the official end of the Summer 2020 classes.
Although all summer classes will remain online, UWGB plans to reopen all four campuses - Green Bay, Marinette, Manitowoc and Sheboygan - faculty and staff on July 1, as admiknistrators work on plans to bring students back on campus fopr the fall of 2020.