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UWGB looking for graduation answer

The Brillion News

GREEN BAY — As a part of ongoing efforts to keep students, faculty, and staff safe while also doing its part to contain community spread of the coronavirus, the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay today announced it has cancelled its on-campus spring commencement ceremony and is working to reimagine a celebration honoring graduates.

The University was slated to hold its 101st commencement ceremony on Saturday, May 16, 2020.

“Degrees can be conferred if all academic requirements are met regardless of whether we have a ceremony on campus,” said Interim Chancellor Sheryl Van Gruensven. “Commencement is one of the happiest days on a university campus. It is a day that is long-awaited, justly earned and richly savored by students, families, faculty and staff alike. While we are cancelling the on-campus ceremony, make no mistake: UW-Green Bay will find a way to celebrate our students and their accomplishments following the end of this semester. There may not be an in-person ceremony, but there will be a celebration.”.

The pandemic has disrupted numerous high school and college graduation plans.

“As educators, we are disappointed and know our students will be disappointed, but the risk of continuing the spread of this powerful virus is simply too great,” Van Gruensven said.

UW-Green Bay Provost and Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs Michael Alexander echoed the Chancellor’s comments. “We are working very hard to reinvent what Commencement will look like for 2020. Many ideas are being explored. The ceremony will look different, but the sentiment remains - UW-Green Bay is supremely proud to give to our communities problem solvers and creative thinkers ready to help our region move forward. As we come out on the other side of this world crisis, we want everyone to see how fearless, resilient and generous these new leaders are. They are critical to helping us recover and finding our way back as a community and world.”



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