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Brown County courthouse closed Thursday

The Brillion News

Brown County Courthouse Closed to the Public

Individual testing positive for COVID-19 was present in and around Courthouse

GREEN BAY – Brown County Presiding Judge Tammy Jo Hock has ordered that the Brown County Circuit Courts be closed on Thursday, March 19, and, as a result, Brown County Executive Troy Streckenbach has ordered the closure of the Courthouse, including the District Attorney’s office.

On March 18, Brown County Public Health was made aware of a person who was present in and around the Courthouse tested positive for Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19).

For the health, safety, protection, and welfare of people in Brown County, the Courthouse and District Attorney’s office will be cleaned on Thursday in order to prevent, limit and contain the potential community spread of COVID-19.

Both the Courthouse and District Attorney’s office will remain closed to the public until Public Health officials declare the buildings fit and suitable to resume normal activities.

Brown County reminds everyone that if you are coughing or sick, or otherwise exhibiting symptoms, please remain home and do not come to county facilities. In addition, we encourage the practice of social distancing.

That means avoiding ‘close contact’ with people who are sick – ‘close contact’ means coming within 6 feet of an individual. State and local officials based on CDC and DHS guidance, as well as the scope of the outbreak will guide our decisions about the implementation of additional community measures.



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