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Brown County: Governor banned yard sales

The Brillion News

GREEN BAY - The Brown County, De Pere and Oneida Nation health departments issued a statement on Thursday banning garage and yard sales.

"Yard, rummage and garage sales are prohibited," the joint press release said. "Per Governor Evers ‘Safer at Home’ order, residents are asked to only leave their homes for essential services. This includes activities such as going to the grocery store, pharmacy or a doctor visit. These measures are crucial to slowing the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Brown County."

The statement, with generic quotes attributed no all three health agency administrators, said that under current guidelines from Madison "it is best to continue to practice social distancing which doesn’t happen at these types of sales.”

Under article #3 of Governor Evers’ ‘SaferAtHome Order,' all public and private gatherings of any number of people that are not part of a single household or living unit are prohibited. This includes open sale events either from a household or in an organized community center, the county health agencies said. They said Brown County residents are encouraged to continue social distancing which includes not participating in rummage, yard or garage sales of any kind at this time.


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