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Hilbert schools: stop community spread if you want kids to remain in school

The Brillion News

HILBERT - In a letter to parents and guardians of Hilbert School District students, Superintendent Tony Sweere threatened the closure of schools unless people follow restrictions being imposed by the Calumet County Health Department.

"As a community, if we cannot do the following, we will be left with no decision other than to close schools for a period of time to help slow the transmission of this [COVID-19] virus," Sweere wrote.

The letter directed people to:

  • Physically distance at least six feet from people with whom you do not live.

  • Wear a cloth facemask, unless unable to wear one for medical reasons.

  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water or use hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol [content].

  • Indoors, do not gather with people outside of your household.

  • Outdoors, limit gatherings to 10 people or fewer, physically distance and wear face coverings.

  • Self-monitor for symptoms of COVID-19 for 14 days after return from travel.

  • If symptomatic, call your health care provider, get a test, and stay home while awaiting results.

  • Cooperate with public health officials if you have tested positive or are a close contact.

Sweere said students have been complying with the "necessary protocol to keep everyone safe" at school ... "do we are asking that you do your part to help turn this around."



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