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Newton man killed in weekend rollover

The Brillion News

NEWTON - A one-vehicle crash early Saturday morning ended the life of a 19-year old Newton man.

Manitowoc County Sheriff Dan Hartwig identified the victim as Edward Gomoll, the driver of a 1996 Chevy Blazer.

It was southbound on County CR, crossed the centerline, went into the east ditch, then back across the road to the west side ditch. Then it went back onto the roadway and rolled several times.

Gomoll was not wearing a seat belt and was ejected - and was dead at the scene.

Coroner Curt Green gave head injuries and other blunt force trauma as the causes of Gomoll's death.

"The Sheriff's Office would like to remind all motorists and passengers of the importance of wearing seatbelts," Hartwig said in a written statement. He described it as a "tragic incident."

Attending to the needs of the scene were the sheriff's department, the coroner's office, Newton EMS First Responders, Newton Fire Department, Manitowoc Fire/Rescue, and Hiway 42 Garage. The emergency response was coordinated by the Manitowoc County Joint Dispatch Center.



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