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Road work to detour 57/32 from Greenleaf to Hilbert

Posted at 12:45 p.m. on August 2, 2018

The Brillion News

Chip sealing on 57/32 begins Tuesday, Aug. 7

HILBERT  – The state Department of Transportation (DOT)  is advising motorists that a chip seal operation will take place on State 57/32 in Calumet County on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, August 7-9 form Hilbert north to the Brown-Calumet county line.

Chip sealing consists of a layer of crushed stone placed on top of an application of liquid asphalt. It seals any crack in the pavement to reduce roadway deterioration and prolongs the life of the pavement.

The project runs from Man-Cal Road, north of Forest Junction, to State 114 in downtown Hilbert.

Work begins at 6:30 a.m. Tuesday and runs through 4 p.m. Thursday, with State 57/32 closed to through traffic. Local access is permitted within the work zone, but other traffic will be detoured around the project work zone during chip seal operations.

Traffic will be detoured through Potter, Brillion and Greenleaf using County PP and State 96.

The chip seal operation involves laying the chip seal and sweeping one day, and painting the next day. Only portions of the roadway in the work zone limits will be affected each day.

Motorists should be aware that chip seal operations may result in loose stones being on the roadbed temporarily.

Once the seal has cured, crews will sweep the highway to clear away loose stones. Motorists are urged to take extra caution, drive slowly, and allow additional space between vehicles to prevent damage from any loose stone chips.

Loose stone chips may affect motorcyclists, whose operators should ride as they would on a gravel road until the loose chips have been swept off of the pavement.

Maintenance operation schedules can change due to weather and maintenance crew manpower. For up-to-date maintenance schedules and locations in northeast Wisconsin, please see the highway maintenance traffic impact website at:

For project updates, road closure information, and highway construction news in Northeast Wisconsin, please follow the Northeast Region Twitter account at:


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