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School board to choose new member this Wednesday

Posted at 11:30 a.m. on Monday, September 13, 2021

The Brillion News

WRIGHTSTOWN - The Wrightstown Community School District Board of Education plans to appoint a citizen to assume the seat vacated when School Board President Tom Eggert moved out of the district over the summer.

The decision on his replacement is on the agenda for the school board's meeting this Wednesday, September 15, at 6 p.m., in the high school library. To attend the meeting, park in the lot in front of the school, adjacent to High Street (State 96).

The deadline for applications was 5 p.m. on Monday, September 6, Labor Day.

The people who asked to be considered for the appointment are Kevin Agen, Maggie Boland, Christina Gitzlaff, John (Jack) Lewis, Rebecca Lopez, Robert Stuebner, Neeley Welch-Lamer and Angela Winker.

"The applicants were not interviewed or screened, but all of the current board members have reviewed the applications that were submitted and the answers to the Board Appointee Questionnaire completed by the applicants," district Superintendent Carla Buboltz said. "The board member votes will be dependent on the submitted application materials and any other personal information that [they] might have regarding a candidate."

Eggert was chosen as board president in May, following the April election. On a 4-3 confidential ballot vote he replaced board President Mike Van Eperen.

Following the selection of one of the applicants as the new board member, the board will reorganize, and choose a new board president.

The Wednesday board meeting is open to the public. The agenda allows only one opportunity for members of the public to speak. The "Open Forum" for public comments comes prior to the board's selection a=of a new member.

The school board cannot take action on any item addressed by the public at the open forum opportunity, unless it is a topic already on the published agenda.

Here is a summary of the meeting's agenda:

  1. Opening of meeting: a. Call to order; b. Pledge of Allegiance.

  2. Student Achievement: Class of 2021 highlights

  3. Open Forum for Public Comment

  4. Board of Education meeting minutes: approval of August 18, 2021, regular session minutes

  5. Personnel resignations, additions and changes

  6. Board member vacancy: a. approve new board member

  7. Approve policy review/revisions: a. independent educational evaluation; b. school district bus transportation

  8. Policy consideration first reading: a. senior release privileges

  9. Enrollment update for 2021-2022 school year.

  10. Finance reports: a. approve monthly bills and receipts; b. finance report for Dan Storch; c. review booklet for annual meeting

  11. Administrative and board member reports: a. Facilities update; fall 2021 school update; c. meeting summary

  12. Adjourn meeting



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