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Search continues for missing hunter

Oct. 30, 2020

The Brillion News

COLLINS - The search for a missing duck hunter that began on Thursday afternoon resumed on Friday morning, October 30.

The Friday search includes the Manitowoc County Dive Team. The state Department of Natural Resources - which manages the Collins Marsh Wildlife Area - is also involved in the search.

The missing man, 29 years old, was from Manitowoc, according to Manitowoc County Sheriff

Daniel Hartwig. The missing man's name is not being released.

He had been hunting on the Manitowoc River in an area south of County JJ, east of County W and west of West Quarry Road. That is where search efforts focused on Thursday afternoon and evening, before the search was called off due to darkness.

The active search area is closed to hunting and other activities. The sheriff's department is asking that people stay away.

The area is on the south side of County JJ and south of the Canadian Nation Railway's Menasha-to-Manitowoc line. The Collins Marsh is on the north side of County JJ.

The first report that the man was missing came at 3:21 p.m. on Thursday afternoon. It was called in as a missing hunter who may be in distress.

The sheriff's department responded, along with the Valders Fire Department, Brillion Fire Department and the Calumet County Cooperative dive team. The dive team was called for its surface watercraft - not for its divers.

[Photo caption: The search and rescue effort was staging directly west of a home at 2118 West Quarry Road.]

"The sheriff's Office and rescue personnel have conducted ground, boat and aerial searches," Sheriff Hartwig said on Thursday evening.

The search efforts resumed on Friday morning, with the Town of Rockland barricading off West Quarry Road from County JJ to the south.

Emergency vehicles could be seen moving west from West Quarry Road toward the river just north of a home at 2118 West Quarry Road.

There were unconfirmed reports that a kayak associated with the missing man was located in the area.

The sheriff said that foul play is not suspected, but he asked for anyone having information is asked to come forward and call the sheriff's department at 920-683-4201.

Although volunteer groups asked if they could help in the search, they were reportedly turned away on Thursday evening.

"We are asking the public for your thoughts and prayers that this individual can be found safe," Hartwig said.



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