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Sortwell says Evers is lawless, despotic

The Brillion News

TWO RIVERS – State Representative. Shae Sortwell, R-Town of Gibson, said the April 16 declaration by Governor Tony Evers, extending the SaferAtHome order through May 26, is illegal.

Sortwell said the order is “beyond the bounds of state law. “

“The Governor’s actions today cross the boundary from chaotic and arbitrary to lawlessness,” Sortwell said. “State law is clear. The Governor cannot extend his emergency authority beyond 60 days without the consent and approval of the Legislature. Nor can he use a secretary or administrative officer to subvert the legal requirement of legislative approval. The people of Wisconsin elect a Governor to execute the laws, not to disregard the laws and act like a king.”

Sortwell said Wisconsinites have put up with a lot of attacks on their constitutional rights in recent weeks.

“We are seeing reports of law enforcement shutting down peaceful protests. Wisconsinites have a right to assemble and petition their government, and our Constitution is clear: it says those rights will never be abridged,” Sortwell said.

Sortwell said people in his district found that the Governor’s voicemail has been full for days and no one answers the phone at the governor’s office.

He said that the governor’s order to close down houses of worship is also unconstitutional.

Sortwell said the forced closure of “nbon-essential” businesses in the state is an illegal act f the seizure of property – “effectively seizing them without our guarantee to due process of the law” as guaranteed in the State Constitution and in the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

“All of these actions occur without any communication with the Legislature, and without any regard to the laws or the Constitution of our state. The Governor is not above the law, and must be held accountable,” Sortwell said. “The pleasure of serving as the Governor does not come before our laws. The Governor does not have the authority to declare an indefinite emergency, and this despotic action will be fought to the fullest extent in the courts.”


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