By Bruce Walker
Center Square News Service
Some official estimates say Wisconsin may receive up to $2.25 billion of the federal stimulus package currently winding through the U.S. Capitol.
The state’s population is currently estimated at 5.8 million residents, which ranks it 20th in the nation.
The U.S. House of Representatives is expected to pass the $2.2 trillion Coronavirus Relief Fund stimulus package on Friday, and, if so, President Donald Trump has said he’ll sign it.
The U.S. Senate passed their version of the $2.2 trillion bill late Wednesday night.
The bill includes $150 billion for states, territories, local and tribal governments. All monies are mandated to address revenue declines caused by the novel coronavirus public health emergency, and will be distributed according to state population.
“Distribution is based on population. No state shall receive a payment for fiscal year 2020 that is less than $1.25 billion,” according to the National Conference of State Legislators (NCSL) website.
NCSL also states 45 percent of the total appropriated to each state is reserved for local governments overseeing populations exceeding 500,000. NCSL stated it “believes the funds remaining from the 45 percent set aside for localities revert back to the state.”
As of Thursday afternoon, March 26, Wisconsin has reported 707 confirmed cases of coronavirus. Eight deaths have been attributed to the virus.
Nationwide, more than 75,000 cases have been confirmed, and more than 1,000 deaths have been reported, according to the New York Times.