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Wrightstown accommodating COVID-19 restructions on village operations

The Brillion News

WRIGHTSTOWN - The Village of Wrightstown is hoping to keep its municipal operations intact despite taking precautions related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Village Administrator Travis Coenen created a “Contingency Policy for Employees Regarding Coronavirus COVID-19” and issued it on March 17.

In the four-page memo, Coenen noted that 80 percent of the known COVID-19 cases are mild or without any symptoms.

The policy lists several practices for employees related to the virus, including a directive for employees to forego customary handshakes, and wash hands frequently with soap and water

Coenen asked employees to avoid contact with sick people, preferably keeping six or more feet of distance.

The various village offices and work areas will be cleaned daily, with disinfection of areas commonly touched.

Employees who get sick or have been exposed to COVID-19 will need to stay home and use their sick leave benefits, or other leave benefits. If necessary, they may borrow up to 40 hours of leave from the future.

Coenen said some employees may be asked to stay home if the village shuts down non-essential services; they will still be paid for the day.

Other employees may be allowed or ordered to work from home, using phones and computer access.

Fire Chief Mike Schampers said the pandemic has resulted in the suspension of fire department staff and training meetings for now.

“It’s changing by the minute,” Schampers said.

Public Works Superintendent Andy Vickman said all municipal water and wastewater utility services will continue seamlessly.

In case any of his employees become ill and cannot work, Vickman said he developed a list of licensed operators in the area who would be willing to help the village maintain its utility services on a temporary, on-call basis.



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