The Brillion News
REEDSVILLE – Reedsville AMVETS Post 1032 will be observing Veterans Day on Friday, November 10, with a presentation at the Reedsville Elementary/Middle School Panther Gym at 9:15 a.m. Firing of the gun salute will follow at 10 a.m. outside of the Elementary/Middle School on the north side of the Panther Gym. The sounding of “TAPS” will conclude the morning program.
Students from six area schools – Holy Family Catholic School, Brillion; Trinity Lutheran School, Brillion; Zion Lutheran School, Wayside; St. John/St. James Lutheran School, Reedsville; Reedsville Elementary/Middle School and Reedsville High School – are expected to be in attendance along with members of the AMVETS.
Patriotic music selections will be presented by members of the Reedsville Elementary students, and the Reedsville Public School bands and choirs under the direction of Emily Karl, Stephanie Maertz and Cindy Sohn. The public is invited to attend this program at the Reedsville Elementary/Middle School.
This year, AMVETS Public Relations Officer Jack Cummings, along with Post 1032 AMVETS Bill Dallman, will be showing a video of the Vietnam Honor Flight that flew out of Oshkosh on July 28 to Washington DC. The flight was sponsored by the EAA Air Venture organization.
Dallman, a Vietnam Veteran, was aboard that flight. He will talk about his experience on this trip with a video and pictures. Fox News covered the entire flight.
Reedsville AMVETS Post 1032 is always looking for new members. You are eligible to join if you have served in the Armed Services of the United States from September 15, 1940, until the present time, with honorable discharge or separation, including current Reservists and the National Guard.
Members of the AMVETS ask all area citizens to fly the United States flag properly on Veterans’ Day, or every day if possible, to pay tribute to all veterans and to show support to those now serving in the Armed Forces.
If you are in need of a flag, contact Gene Wagner (920-754-4149). Non-usable flags can be deposited in the disposal container by the Knights of Columbus Clubhouse in Reedsville for proper retirement.