Posted at 1:45 p.m. on April 7, 2018
The Brillion News
The Wisconsin Conservation Congress is holding its annual spring county conservation meetings at 7 p.m. Monday in every county. The meetings are not for debate, but for public input. You should attend the meeting in your county of residence.
Meeting sites are: Brown County, NWTC Room SC130, Green Bay; Calumet County, County Courthouse, Chilton; Manitowoc, UW Manitowoc Lakeside Theatre, Manitowoc; Outagamie, Appleton North High School Auditorium Appleton.
Ballots will be passed out so participants may vote on a number of issues. Major issues for voting are:
Several question on bass season
Reducing walleye daily bag limit in Lake Winnebago system
Reducing mortality of flathead catfish
Restrict transportation of deer harvested in a CWD-affected county
Change closed areas for trapping at wildlife refuge areas (including Collins Marsh) to allow for more trapping
Create a $5 annual fee to support wildlife management on public grounds
Eliminate group deer hunting
Expand the crossbow deer season
Establish a statewide daily bag limit on largemouth bass
Open inland trout season stateside on the first Saturday in April
Create a lifetime hunting and fishing license
Allow florescent yellow as an alternative to blaze orange in deer season
Ban use of neonicotoid insecticides on state land, and limit use of them on private lands (these chemicals are associated with butterfly and bee kills)
Tighten rules for Wisconsin licensed guides
There are other questions on the ballot this year. To see all of the questions, visit