Posted at 11:30 a.m. on April 28, 2021
The Brillion News
You'd have to go back to 2012 to find a spring that has been as favorable as 2021 to early completion of spring tillage.
In 2012, farmers in Wisconsin had 50 percent of their spring tillage done by April 25. This year, 48 percent of spring tillage had been completed by April 25.
The USDA, in the National Agricultural Statistics Service Wisconsin Crop Progress Report issued n Tuesday, April 26, said manure hauling and fertilizer application were already wrapping up thanks to the below normal precipitation throughout March and April.

Last week, there were 5.1 days suitable for fieldwork, but temps were below normal reising concerns about frost damage to hay and winter wheat. In southern counties, temperatures warmed up with some corn planting there. In the northern counties, it was too cold to plant corn yet, but small grains and alfalfa continued to be planted.
Topsoil moisture was 71 percent adequate, 21 percent short to very short, and eight percent surplus. SImilar numbers were true for subsoil moisture.
Oats were 45 percent planted, but corn was only at six percent. Potatoes were 37 percent planted.