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Manitowoc County schools urge for COVID-19 spread prevention

Sept. 23, 2020

The Brillion News

Manitowoc County schools released a press statement on Wednesday afternoon, encouraging the community to help stop the spread of COVID-19. The letter was signed by all school administrators, including Reedsville's Kristoffer Brown.

Manitowoc County Schools Back ‘Three Ws’

Manitowoc County schools care deeply about our students, families and communities - and we are committed to do what we can to keep everyone safe and healthy. Our schools are using mitigation measures that include the “three Ws” - Watch your distancing, Wash hands and Wear masks.

Manitowoc County schools will continue to follow our district protocols on these three key safety measures for the foreseeable future, and follow the statewide mask mandate for all students, staff and visitors to our buildings. Research shows that properly wearing a facial covering significantly reduces the risk of spreading or contracting COVID-19.

Manitowoc County school leaders and the Manitowoc County Health Department nurses have met jointly for the past three months to share ideas, plans and procedures to support our students and staff to maintain safe and healthy schools. We are pleased to continue this collaboration and we support healthy habits to help stop the spread of COVID-19 in our schools and communities.

Positive COVID-19 cases continue to increase throughout Manitowoc County, up from a countywide total of 100 cases on July 1 to 910 cases on Sept. 22. For more information on daily Manitowoc County data, please see the Manitowoc County website, This website provides daily updates of new cases broken down by zip code within the county.

As educators, we join all county residents in wanting our communities to return to “normal” as quickly as possible. We want to bring all students and staff back to our school buildings full time to learn in-person, and to resume sports, concerts, festivals and other large events and gatherings. To get there, we need everyone’s support. We all can help slow the spread by wearing masks, increasing hand-washing and social distancing when we are out in public. Thank you for all you have done already and for your continued support of your students’ education amid this pandemic - we appreciate your partnership.


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