Posted at 3 p.m. on March 18, 2019
The Brillion News
BROWN COUNTY – State Senator Andre Jacque, R-De Pere, will be available to residents in southern Brown County, northern Calumet County and northern Manitowoc on Thursday, March 21, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at the Town of Rockland Town Hall, one mile south of De Pere on State 57/32 (at Bob-Bea-Jan Road).
This is a first-come, first-served opportunity. There will be no appointments.
Jacque will take questions about the state’s 2019-2021 budget and constituent issues with state agencies.
The listening session is open to the public. At 7 p.m., Jacque will address a meeting of the Rockland Town Board, speaking about the placement of registered sex offender in communities by the state Department of Corrections. He may address other issues as well.
Jacque’s office said he plans several more community contact sessions around his district in the coming weeks. They will be announced later.