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US 10 full closure next week in Calumet County

May 30, 2019

Crews replacing culvert pipe at US 10/WIS 114 split in Harrison

CALUMET COUNTY – The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) Northeast Region announced a full closure of US 10 near the US 10/WIS 114 split in Calumet County.

Maintenance crews will be replacing a failing culvert pipe under US 10 at the US 10/WIS 114 split south of the village of Harrison beginning 6 a.m., Monday, June 3 and continuing until 4 p.m., Thursday, June 6.

  1. US 10 will be closed between WIS 55 and the US 10/WIS 114 split from 6 a.m., Monday, June 3 through 4 p.m., Thursday, June 6. A signed detour will be in place.

  2. Westbound US 10 detour: Take WIS 55 south to WIS 114 west back to westbound US 10.

  3. Eastbound US 10 detour: Take WIS 114 east to WIS 55 north back to eastbound US 10.

  4. Access will be maintained to properties and businesses in the US 10 closure limits.

Motorists are urged to slow down and be mindful of workers near highways. For up-to-date maintenance schedules and locations in northeast Wisconsin, please see the highway maintenance traffic impact website at:

For project updates, road closure information, and highway construction news in Northeast Wisconsin, please follow the Northeast Region Twitter account at


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